Flower Essence Therapy

Let it be noticed in this that the four elements are involved: the earth to nurture the plant: the air from which it feeds: the sun or fire to enable it to impart its power: and water to collect and to be enriched with its beneficial magnetic healing. 
– Dr. Edward Bach, 1930

A flower represents the plant’s pinnacle energy. Each flower has its own innate wisdom, vibration and healing  quality. Flower Essences or flower remedies are infusions made from the flowering part of the plant using sun steeping to capture the energy imprint, life pattern and healing vibration of the flower.

 Flower essences were originally developed in the 1930s by the English Physician Dr. Edward Bach. Bach was a visionary healer who recognized the soul-spirit dimensions of healing. He knew that the physical symptoms he often treated were closely related to the emotional and mental conditions of his patients. 

Flower essences work energetically and can be a deep catalyst for emotional, psychosocial, and spiritual changes therefore promoting an enhanced sense of well-being. They contain only minute traces of physical substance making them unlike herbal remedies, pharmaceutical drugs or essential oils which contain physical elements extracted from the plant. Because Flower essences are highly diluted they are without untoward side effects and are safe to use.

For centuries medical practitioners across cultures have used flower essences for their therapeutic properties to address core issues of wellness, including emotions, stress, mental attitudes, spiritual values and life purpose. The use of healing flower essences is used in the United States and around the world.