
Principles of Reiki

Just for today, I will give thanks for all my many blessings

Just for today, I will not worry

Just for today, I will not be angry

Just for today, I will do my work honestly

Just for today, I will be kind to all living beings

Reiki (pronounced RAY-kee) is an ancient and profoundly simple system of “laying of hands”. It is the practice of transmitting healing energy through the hands of one person to the body of another. Reiki is a very specific form of energy healing in which hands are place just above or lightly touching the body. A reiki session seeks to ease tension and stress and support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. 

Reiki is a Japanese word that means “universal life-force”. “Rei” means Universal and “Chi” means Spirit of Life. This force or energy is also known as “chi”, “ki”or “qi”. This life force is instilled in us at conception and it flows around and through all living things. During a Reiki session, a practitioner transmits this Universal Life Energy to the client to create deep relaxation, reduce pain and promote a feeling of total well-being.

A human body radiates warmth and energy. The act of laying hands on the human body to comfort and relieve pain is instinctual. Human touch conveys warmth, serenity and healing. 

Reiki is used to assist the healing process, restore and balance natural energy, prevent disorders and maintain positive wellness. When we are in a state of balance we are healthy – both physically and emotionally. When we are out of balance we are in a state of dis-ease. Reiki’s harmonizing energy works on physical, emotional and spiritual levels by balancing the body’s energies.  

Reiki is the practice of the ki, a healing energy, in a balanced energy flow through the therapist to client. It works on four levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. On the physical level, Reiki helps to bring balance. When the body is in a state of balance it tends to heal itself: burns heal faster, breaks mend sooner than expected, bleeding stops, etc. On a mental level, when one is in a state of balance, stress is easier to handle, learning comes easier, clarity becomes a part of every day life, etc. With emotional balance, one is less likely to need psychiatric medications; the everyday ups and downs become more manageable. Spiritual growth is extremely important to many of us today. When one is in a state of balance it is easier to meditate, pray or listen to the inner voice and to act on higher guidance. 

Reiki is not affiliated with any particular religion or religious practice. It is complementary to other traditional forms of treatment and healing. Its benefits are being used in many contemporary settings, including personal wellness or healing programs, private practices, hospitals and hospice settings.