Hormones are chemical messengers that are usually secreted from the endocrine glands into the bloodstream. Once secreted, specific hormones bind with the appropriate receptor sites present on the cell wall of their target organs.
Hormones play important roles in the health and maintenance of the body. They influence general growth and development, metabolism, appetite, digestion, sexual function and reproductive cycles. They also influence our mood and ability to handle stress. Since hormones affect virtually every bodily process, deficient or excessive levels of certain hormones may create havoc with other body systems including immune, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, detoxification and nervous system function.
Hormone imbalances can be the result of aging, nutritional deficiencies, lack of exercise, exposure to toxins and chronic stress. Other factors that can influence hormonal imbalances include endocrine disorders, sleep disorders, lack of sunlight and the use of over-the-counter and prescription medications.
Symptoms of hormone imbalances depend on which gland and hormones are affected. Varying symptoms can include:
weight gain or loss,
mood swings,
skin changes,
rising cholesterol,
hot flashes and night sweats,
sexual dysfunction and
increased sensitivity to heat or cold.
When the hormonal system is functioning smoothly, its precise and timely release of hormones promote optimal bodily function and health. Treatment for hormonal imbalances will vary depending on cause, and different people may require specific or customized treatments for hormonal restoration.